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  • #1738
    Julian Dyer FISVA

    At one time ISVA was able to provide access to BCIS online for members
    The cost to individuals is colossal, but of course RICS give handsome discounts to the large firms
    Would there be any appetite for obtaining an ISVA Group subscription, even if that meant making an additional annual contribution

    Neil Bright MISVA

    Agree, it isnt cost effective on an individual basis. Yet another RICS rip off. If ISVA could obtain a group account that I would welcome this proposal – I know it used to be included albeit some time ago.

    Steven Palmer MISVA

    Well now that RICS has flogged off BCIS it must be worth asking them about either an RICS account or a discount for members.


    Good afternoon all,

    Please see under the ‘Benefits’ tab of the members area, where BCIS discounts are discussed.

    Kind regards,

    Alan Bailey FISVA

    There is a basic consumer version on the BCIS site which you can use without charge for a limited number of calculations. Insurance companies now do not always ask for a figure, just amount of accommodation and age etc, so i don’t feel it worth providing a figure unless specifically requested.

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