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Home Forums General Discussion Tribunal: Mr A Peartree v Prinsegate Developments Ltd Reply To: Tribunal: Mr A Peartree v Prinsegate Developments Ltd


Fair play to this young man for calling this out.

I resigned from the corporate I contracted with a long time ago for a similar reason, exclusive zero hour contracts was the final straw.

But for me you have to look further up the food chain, the Council of Mortgage Lenders need to share some of the blame here, their members are contracting with these corporate organisations that bash these (call for a further report) generic surveys out and as the job finally finds its way down to the boots on the ground there is nowhere near enough meat left on the bone for the surveyor to spend the time and effort that either the survey and/or valuation requires.

No wonder the RICS has to issue a practice statement then is there!

Get ready for the claims management departments phone calls all you expert witness surveyors!

Its a sad reflection on the society we have become when our youngster are exploited in this manner IMO, no wonder we struggle to attract graduates into the profession, it bad enough asking our new associates to undertake these complex reports in the first place, so I agree with Neil, and for me two of these a week is more than enough, luckily for me our fee scale and my dinosauric social comfort does enables that.



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