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I’ve found that it just depends on lender policy, for some, their attitude to risk seems to have changed more recently.

I’m aware both NW and Halifax have turned away enquiries from one of our brokers.

and I’ve just done a couple of intrusive inspection reports for Santander and Nationwide, admittedly on BISF Type A1, fabricated by notable British Iron & Steel Federation British Steel Homes Ltd which have been offered.

although the same Broker is trying to place a Unity Type re-build and extension just one side repaired, so I’ll report back on the out come.

I recently did a (Beattie Passive System dwelling) for (Keystone Property Finance) where the warranty provider was in receivership, that one went through fine I believe.

If you are going to start of course you need PI cover to do these type inspections, but it does seem to me, some of the lenders just want the additional comfort no matter what.

I hope that helps.



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